About Us

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Our Story

At Uniquely Behavioral Health, we know that an emotional, behavioral or developmental problem can be confusing for children and adolescents - as well as for those who love them. Uniquely You offers a wide range of services to address the needs of these patients and their families. We treat children with all difficulties in development, behavioral functioning, and emotional regulations. For our patients and their love ones, this means caring for the patient with more specialized experienced staff, that has obtained the necessary resources to address those needs. At Uniquely You, we take an integrated approach to treating mental health conditions in both children, teens, and adults. Our team of mental and behavioral health professionals, work with families to develop a personalized plan that fits each individual.




Our Mission

Uniquely You Behavioral potentially would like to become one of the positive reinforcements for a person's overall behavioral needs. We consider ourselves to be that positive resource that focuses on helping to better your overall mental health and wellbeing. With each case, we strive to aid in developing, maintaining, and regaining, sanity in one's mental health.

We're here for you.

We're here to help every member of your family that may need our help. Childhood is a time of wonder and excitement, but sometimes kids face obstacles that require help from others and from those that care. If you've noticed signs of a change in the way your child or teen sees and responds to the world, we can help. Maybe you notice that same behavior in a friend or adult relative, Uniquely You Behavioral can help with them as well. We aim to take an integrated approach in treating mental health conditions in all age groups, from children to adults. Its good to know that you have people on your side that care, that’s in your corner rooting for your success. Maybe you’ve felt too embarrassed to talk to someone. WE’RE ALL HUMAN AND WE ALL GO THROUGH THINGS!




Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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